Overall Class Group Bib Nation Name Team Class Group Last Location Start CP1 CP2 CP3 CP4 CP5 CP6 - Brush Creek Saloon Paddle Start CP7 CP8/Begin Portage CP9/Portage End TA 2 -Paddle End - Bair Ranch - Paddle to Trek CP10 CP11 CP12 CP13 TA3 CP14 CP15 CP16 CP17 TA4 - Bike drop CPA CPB CPC CPD CP18 CP19 CP20 Finish Time Score
1 1 1 200 Teton Adventure Racers Abby Broughton;Jason Popilski Full 2C Finish 11:00:00 13-07-24 00:15:45 11:15:45 13-07-24 00:05:00 11:20:45 13-07-24 00:15:00 11:35:45 13-07-24 00:20:00 11:55:45 13-07-24 00:20:00 12:15:45 13-07-24 00:35:00 12:50:45 13-07-24 02:31:00 15:21:45 13-07-24 00:30:00 15:51:45 13-07-24 01:10:30 17:02:15 13-07-24 00:40:00 17:42:15 13-07-24 00:55:00 18:37:15 13-07-24 01:00:00 19:37:15 13-07-24 00:35:00 20:12:15 13-07-24 00:45:00 20:57:15 13-07-24 01:00:00 21:57:15 13-07-24 01:15:00 23:12:15 13-07-24 02:15:00 01:27:15 14-07-24 03:30:00 04:57:15 14-07-24 00:55:00 05:52:15 14-07-24 00:55:00 07:42:15 14-07-24 00:55:00 06:47:15 14-07-24 00:50:00 08:32:15 14-07-24 00:20:00 08:52:15 14-07-24 00:10:00 09:02:15 14-07-24 00:20:00 09:22:15 14-07-24 22:22:15 20pts
2 2 2 202 Renegoats Max Seigal;Melody Hazi Full 2C Finish 11:00:00 13-07-24 00:17:30 11:17:30 13-07-24 00:15:00 11:32:30 13-07-24 00:15:00 11:47:30 13-07-24 00:20:00 12:07:30 13-07-24 00:25:00 12:32:30 13-07-24 00:50:00 13:22:30 13-07-24 00:30:00 13:52:30 13-07-24 02:20:00 16:12:30 13-07-24 00:30:00 16:42:30 13-07-24 01:15:00 17:57:30 13-07-24 00:45:00 18:42:30 13-07-24 01:10:00 19:52:30 13-07-24 01:15:00 21:07:30 13-07-24 01:10:00 22:17:30 13-07-24 01:30:00 23:47:30 13-07-24 01:35:00 01:22:30 14-07-24 01:15:00 02:37:30 14-07-24 03:55:00 06:32:30 14-07-24 00:15:00 06:47:30 14-07-24 00:20:00 07:07:30 14-07-24 20:07:30 16pts
3 3 1 400 Which Way's West Kate Macklin;Jess Evans;Chuck Scholpp; Full 3-4C Finish 11:00:00 13-07-24 00:19:00 11:19:00 13-07-24 00:10:00 11:29:00 13-07-24 00:20:00 11:49:00 13-07-24 00:25:00 12:14:00 13-07-24 00:35:00 12:49:00 13-07-24 00:25:15 13:14:15 13-07-24 00:25:00 13:39:15 13-07-24 03:15:00 05:07:30 14-07-24 03:08:00 16:47:15 13-07-24 00:50:00 17:37:15 13-07-24 01:45:00 19:22:15 13-07-24 00:40:00 20:02:15 13-07-24 01:20:15 21:22:30 13-07-24 01:50:00 23:12:30 13-07-24 01:30:00 00:42:30 14-07-24 01:10:00 01:52:30 14-07-24 00:50:00 05:57:30 14-07-24 00:15:00 06:12:30 14-07-24 00:25:00 06:37:30 14-07-24 19:37:30 15pts
4 4 1 203 Where's the Finish?? Kenny Sheffler;Eric Smith Full 2O Finish 11:00:00 13-07-24 00:20:30 11:20:30 13-07-24 00:05:00 11:25:30 13-07-24 00:35:00 12:00:30 13-07-24 00:25:00 12:25:30 13-07-24 00:25:00 12:50:30 13-07-24 00:45:00 13:35:30 13-07-24 00:35:00 14:10:30 13-07-24 02:05:00 16:15:30 13-07-24 00:55:00 17:10:30 13-07-24 01:20:00 18:30:30 13-07-24 00:55:00 19:25:30 13-07-24 01:35:00 21:00:30 13-07-24 01:30:00 22:30:30 13-07-24 01:10:00 23:40:30 13-07-24 01:10:00 00:50:30 14-07-24 01:35:00 02:25:30 14-07-24 01:35:00 04:00:30 14-07-24 05:55:00 09:55:30 14-07-24 00:15:00 10:10:30 14-07-24 00:45:00 10:55:30 14-07-24 23:55:30 15pts
5 5 2 401 Needs More Banjo Brooke Davidson;Eric Nolam;Olivia Aujla; Full 3-4C Finish 11:00:00 13-07-24 00:28:45 11:28:45 13-07-24 00:25:00 11:53:45 13-07-24 00:25:15 12:19:00 13-07-24 00:25:00 12:44:00 13-07-24 00:25:00 13:09:00 13-07-24 00:30:00 13:39:00 13-07-24 00:45:00 14:24:00 13-07-24 02:20:00 16:44:00 13-07-24 00:55:00 17:39:00 13-07-24 01:25:00 19:04:00 13-07-24 00:55:00 19:59:00 13-07-24 01:40:00 21:39:00 13-07-24 02:00:00 23:39:00 13-07-24 01:05:00 00:44:00 14-07-24 01:15:00 01:59:00 14-07-24 00:35:00 08:09:45 14-07-24 05:35:45 07:34:45 14-07-24 00:30:00 08:39:45 14-07-24 21:39:45 14pts
6 6 3 402 No Ragrets Mary Lampas;James Lampas;Cody Hidler; Full 3-4C Finish 11:00:00 13-07-24 00:45:30 11:45:30 13-07-24 00:56:45 12:42:15 13-07-24 00:15:00 12:57:15 13-07-24 00:45:45 13:43:00 13-07-24 00:40:00 14:23:00 13-07-24 02:05:00 16:28:00 13-07-24 01:30:00 17:58:00 13-07-24 01:15:00 19:13:00 13-07-24 01:00:00 20:13:00 13-07-24 01:26:30 21:39:30 13-07-24 01:56:30 23:36:00 13-07-24 01:00:00 00:36:00 14-07-24 01:15:00 01:51:00 14-07-24 01:15:00 03:06:00 14-07-24 01:30:00 04:36:00 14-07-24 04:26:45 09:02:45 14-07-24 00:45:00 09:47:45 14-07-24 00:40:00 10:27:45 14-07-24 23:27:45 13pts
7 7 2 204 Lewis & Clark Rangers Jeffrey Reep;Kyle Reep Full 2O Finish 11:00:00 13-07-24 00:18:00 11:18:00 13-07-24 00:10:00 11:28:00 13-07-24 00:25:00 11:53:00 13-07-24 00:40:00 12:33:00 13-07-24 00:45:00 13:18:00 13-07-24 00:25:00 13:43:00 13-07-24 00:36:00 14:19:00 13-07-24 00:40:00 14:59:00 13-07-24 02:30:00 17:29:00 13-07-24 00:55:00 18:24:00 13-07-24 01:25:00 19:49:00 13-07-24 01:20:00 21:09:00 13-07-24 03:00:00 00:09:00 14-07-24 02:15:00 02:24:00 14-07-24 02:30:00 04:54:00 14-07-24 02:20:00 07:14:00 14-07-24 20:14:00 12pts
8 8 4 405 Running on Broken Legs Courtney Enright;Logan Rau;Logan Enright;Lyssa Enright Full 3-4C Finish 11:00:00 13-07-24 00:21:00 11:21:00 13-07-24 00:15:00 13:11:00 13-07-24 00:30:00 11:51:00 13-07-24 00:30:00 12:21:00 13-07-24 00:35:00 12:56:00 13-07-24 00:10:00 13:21:00 13-07-24 00:30:00 13:51:00 13-07-24 00:50:00 14:41:00 13-07-24 02:15:00 16:56:00 13-07-24 01:00:00 17:56:00 13-07-24 01:15:00 19:11:00 13-07-24 01:20:00 20:31:00 13-07-24 02:20:00 22:51:00 13-07-24 03:40:00 02:31:00 14-07-24 02:40:00 05:11:00 14-07-24 18:11:00 11pts
9 9 3 210 Mustache Directions Brandon Leatherberry; Full 2O Finish 11:00:00 13-07-24 00:20:30 11:20:30 13-07-24 00:25:00 11:45:30 13-07-24 00:25:00 12:10:30 13-07-24 00:40:30 12:51:00 13-07-24 00:25:00 13:16:00 13-07-24 01:10:00 14:26:00 13-07-24 02:20:00 16:46:00 13-07-24 01:10:00 17:56:00 13-07-24 01:10:00 19:06:00 13-07-24 01:10:00 20:16:00 13-07-24 01:20:00 21:36:00 13-07-24 02:03:00 23:39:00 13-07-24 01:00:00 00:39:00 14-07-24 01:30:00 02:09:00 14-07-24 04:30:15 06:39:15 14-07-24 19:39:15 11pts
10 10 4 208 Team Goliath Mike Shea; Full 2O Finish 11:00:00 13-07-24 00:18:30 11:18:30 13-07-24 00:20:00 11:38:30 13-07-24 00:25:00 12:03:30 13-07-24 00:35:00 12:38:30 13-07-24 00:40:00 13:18:30 13-07-24 00:25:15 13:43:45 13-07-24 00:35:00 14:18:45 13-07-24 00:50:15 15:09:00 13-07-24 02:35:00 17:44:00 13-07-24 01:10:00 18:54:00 13-07-24 01:30:00 20:24:00 13-07-24 01:57:00 22:21:00 13-07-24 03:00:00 01:21:00 14-07-24 05:12:00 06:33:00 14-07-24 02:05:00 08:38:00 14-07-24 21:38:00 11pts
11 11 5 404 AreWeThereYet?! Paola Aleman;Ryan Burton;Derek Burton;Jennie Burton Full 3-4C Finish 11:00:00 13-07-24 00:21:45 11:21:45 13-07-24 00:10:15 11:32:00 13-07-24 00:30:00 12:02:00 13-07-24 00:50:00 12:52:00 13-07-24 01:35:00 14:27:00 13-07-24 00:25:00 14:52:00 13-07-24 00:45:00 15:37:00 13-07-24 01:00:00 16:37:00 13-07-24 02:35:00 19:12:00 13-07-24 01:15:00 20:27:00 13-07-24 01:35:00 22:02:00 13-07-24 02:50:00 00:52:00 14-07-24 03:10:00 04:02:00 14-07-24 02:25:00 06:27:00 14-07-24 03:35:00 10:02:00 14-07-24 23:02:00 11pts
12 12 1 408 Hot But Unavailable Lyle Quillin; Bo Stevens; Jacob Madrigal; Alex Benko Full 3-4O Finish 11:00:00 13-07-24 00:26:45 11:26:45 13-07-24 00:20:15 11:47:00 13-07-24 01:40:00 13:27:00 13-07-24 00:40:00 14:07:00 13-07-24 00:45:00 14:52:00 13-07-24 00:10:00 15:02:00 13-07-24 03:20:15 18:22:15 13-07-24 00:55:00 19:17:15 13-07-24 01:21:30 20:38:45 13-07-24 01:00:15 21:39:00 13-07-24 03:10:00 00:49:00 14-07-24 02:45:00 03:34:00 14-07-24 02:15:00 05:49:00 14-07-24 03:20:00 09:09:00 14-07-24 22:09:00 10pts
13 13 2 406 Wacky Waving Arm-flailing Inflatable Tube-men Spencer Thorn;Derrick Stoebe;Thomas Thorn;Michael Thorn Full 3-4O Finish 11:00:00 13-07-24 00:21:15 11:21:15 13-07-24 00:30:15 11:51:30 13-07-24 00:30:00 12:21:30 13-07-24 01:05:00 13:26:30 13-07-24 00:40:45 14:07:15 13-07-24 00:45:00 14:52:15 13-07-24 03:25:30 18:17:45 13-07-24 01:20:00 19:37:45 13-07-24 01:35:00 21:12:45 13-07-24 02:30:00 23:42:45 13-07-24 02:40:45 02:23:30 14-07-24 03:25:00 05:48:30 14-07-24 01:10:00 06:58:30 14-07-24 02:30:00 09:28:30 14-07-24 22:28:30 10pts
14 14 5 209 Sigma74Fitness T. Blake Stermer;David Crosby Full 2O Finish 11:00:00 13-07-24 00:20:15 11:20:15 13-07-24 00:05:00 11:25:15 13-07-24 00:20:00 11:45:15 13-07-24 00:30:00 12:15:15 13-07-24 01:15:15 13:30:30 13-07-24 00:05:00 13:35:30 13-07-24 03:55:15 17:30:45 13-07-24 01:20:00 18:50:45 13-07-24 01:20:00 20:10:45 13-07-24 01:20:00 21:30:45 13-07-24 03:40:45 01:11:30 14-07-24 03:10:15 04:21:45 14-07-24 01:10:00 05:31:45 14-07-24 05:35:00 11:06:45 14-07-24 24:06:45 10pts
15 15 6 207 I'm your huckleberry Wendy Gustafson;Dawn Smith Full 2O CP9/Portage End 11:00:00 13-07-24 00:22:30 11:22:30 13-07-24 00:05:00 11:27:30 13-07-24 00:30:00 11:57:30 13-07-24 01:00:00 12:57:30 13-07-24 00:20:00 13:17:30 13-07-24 00:50:00 14:07:30 13-07-24 01:00:00 15:07:30 13-07-24 02:55:00 18:02:30 13-07-24 01:15:00 19:17:30 13-07-24 08:17:30 8pts
16 16 6 403 Meat Sticks Caleb Sommer;;; Full 3-4C CP9/Portage End 11:00:00 13-07-24 00:22:30 11:22:30 13-07-24 00:10:00 11:32:30 13-07-24 00:20:00 11:52:30 13-07-24 00:50:00 12:42:30 13-07-24 01:05:00 13:47:30 13-07-24 00:25:00 14:12:30 13-07-24 00:40:00 14:52:30 13-07-24 04:10:00 19:02:30 13-07-24 01:05:00 20:07:30 13-07-24 09:07:30 8pts
17 17 3 407 Boys from Oklahoma WESLEY SITTON;Garrett Fountain;Lindall Wood;Sam Moore Full 3-4O CP9/Portage End 11:00:00 13-07-24 00:22:30 11:22:30 13-07-24 01:00:00 12:22:30 13-07-24 00:45:00 13:07:30 13-07-24 01:15:00 14:22:30 13-07-24 00:40:00 15:02:30 13-07-24 00:55:00 15:57:30 13-07-24 01:00:00 16:57:30 13-07-24 04:15:00 21:12:30 13-07-24 01:15:00 22:27:30 13-07-24 11:27:30 8pts
18 18 3 201 Never Sitton Joshua Sitton;Jessica Sitton Full 2C CP7 11:00:00 13-07-24 00:24:30 11:24:30 13-07-24 01:00:00 12:24:30 13-07-24 00:55:00 13:19:30 13-07-24 01:15:00 14:34:30 13-07-24 01:05:00 15:39:30 13-07-24 00:40:00 16:19:30 13-07-24 01:20:15 17:39:45 13-07-24 01:05:00 18:44:45 13-07-24 07:44:45 7pts
19 19 7 205 Sisu Ryan Jordan;Brad Jordan Full 2O Finish 11:00:00 13-07-24 00:20:45 11:20:45 13-07-24 09:31:15 20:52:00 13-07-24 04:35:00 01:27:00 14-07-24 02:45:00 04:12:00 14-07-24 01:25:00 05:37:00 14-07-24 01:50:00 07:27:00 14-07-24 20:27:00 3pts